Tuesday 2 August 2011

Sony Ericsson X10 Review And How tos

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Video review --> Sony X10 on 2.3 Review.
If you guys need how tos or have questions then just email me at lukehodgson1996@gmail.com

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Hey guy this is a review on the Xperia X10 by Sony Ericsson. Please watch my video for more basic information. This a very nice mobile phone it runs very nice and fast. It running the Android Gingerbread 2.3.3 ful software by google with a sony ericsson engine behind it. With a plan this phone can cost anywhere from $0 - $100 deppending on your carrier and contract. By itself it can cost from $300 - $500 brand new it would be cheaper to buy it used from a olace like Craigslist, Ebay or place like that. You can get it in white or black deppending on what you like but of course there are cases. Even though sony has realeased a newer phone know as the Sony Xperia Arc I still recommend the X10. I Think this because it is aa nicer fit to the hand and not a big. But its what you like.

Running the new Android 2.3.3 Software this phone will have more apps a nicer user interface and more customizability such as widgets, nicer looking folders and much more. Androids ability to customize is very nice that is why i choose them over Apples IOS or Blackberrys. Not that those are not good phones but i like these more. Moving wallpapers Themes without jailbreaking or hacking and wvery imaginable widget out there. Android is open soure meaning that anyone can down and make a phone with Android as the core firmware. HTC, Samsung, LG, Motorola and a coulpe of other companies do this but I like how Sony Ericsson has done there version. For the most part they are pretty user friendly but some things are more complex.

Sony Ericsson has done a very nice job with there addons and apps such as timescape media scape and their restore and back up. I recommend you go check this phone out link is provided if you scroll back to the to and watch the video its in the description.

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